President Biden
& Vice President Harris's

Legacy on Immigration

Building an "immigration system that powers our economy and reflects our values.”

- President Biden


Before President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office, President Donald Trump enacted over 470 administrative changes during his term that decimated the immigration system by diminishing humanitarian protections, restricting asylum, and cutting legal immigration almost in half. As a consequence, the economic and labor force growth suffered.

 The Trump administration separated over 4,000 children from their loved ones;

Terminated the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, intending to strip away deportation protections for Dreamers;

Naturalizations of aspiring citizens were remarkably reduced, as over 100,000 immigrants were made to wait;

Overwhelmingly denied military naturalizations (denials increased from 7% in FY 2016 to 17% in FY 2019, a 143% increase in the denial rate);

Established an annual ceiling for refugees 84% lower than the final year of the Obama administration (from 110,000 down to 18,000);

Put immigrants of domestic violence at risk of deportation and created punitive measures to deny them protections;

Instituted a sweeping travel ban blocking immigrants from majority Muslim countries from traveling to the U.S;

Baselessly implemented Title 42, effectively denying the right to claim asylum;

Reinstated Remain in Mexico, sending asylum seekers to face risks of kidnapping, extortion, rape, and other abuses across the U.S.-Mexico border;

And ended or failed to extend Temporary Protective Status (TPS) to long-settled immigrants in the U.S, leaving them at risk of deportation to dangerous country conditions.

President Biden and Vice President Harris have made compelling progress to rebuild America’s immigration system. The impactful advocacy of the Immigration Hub and countless immigrant rights organizations has shaped the present and future of the nation’s approach to immigration. 



In his first 100 days in office, President Biden issued executive actions undoing over 540 harmful Trump-era immigration policies. The President lifted xenophobic travel bans, halted construction of Trump’s border wall, and restored protections for refugees, asylum seekers, and undocumented individuals like Dreamers. 

During his first year in office, President Biden implemented nearly 300 executive actions on immigration, including measures to:

  • Elevate the executive branch’s role in promoting immigrant integration and inclusion by reestablishing the Task Force on New Americans and requiring agencies to review immigration policies and regulations.
  • Strengthen DACA protections after Trump’s efforts to roll back safeguards for undocumented individuals brought to the U.S. as children.
  • Mandate the inclusion of non-citizens in the Census and the apportionment of congressional representatives.
  • Reverse Trump’s expanded immigration enforcement within the U.S.
  • Halt most border wall construction by terminating the national emergency declaration used to fund it.

Reuniting Families

The Biden-Harris administration established the Interagency Task Force on the Reunification of Families to address the human tragedy that occurred when the Trump administration used the nation’s immigration laws to intentionally separate 5,460 children from their parents.

As of November 2023, the Task Force has reunified 795 children with their parents in the United States and has made behavioral health services available to those families. 

Access to Legal Pathways and Citizenship

In 2021, 809,000 immigrants became American citizens through naturalization. 

There were more than 8,800 military service members, veterans, and family members of service members naturalized in 2021.  

In 2021, the Biden-Harris administration reversed Trump's "Muslim ban," a xenophobic travel restriction that barred entry for passport holders from seven Muslim-majority countries; Trump’s policy impacted an estimated 90,000 people.

In 2021, Biden lifted a Trump-era limit on refugees and welcomed and resettled more than 11,400 refugees into the U.S.

More than 16,600 people were vetted and granted asylum in 2021.

In 2021, more than 79,000 Afghan nationals were paroled into the United States for a two-year period as part of Operation Allies Welcome.  

The Biden-Harris administration designated Myanmar and Venezuela for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and re-designated Haiti, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. This action helped maintain and expand protections to an estimated 746,000 immigrants. While in office, Trump attempted to rip TPS protections from Haitians along with immigrants from several other countries.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, USCIS issued a policy in 2021 allowing survivors of crimes that caused mental or physical abuse, including domestic violence, to receive protections while their visa applications were pending. This action marked a sharp reversal from the Trump administration’s attempts to deport crime survivors.

Restoring Order and Safety at the Border

In 2021, the Biden-Harris administration strengthened anti-smuggling and anti-trafficking operations by working with regional governments to investigate and prosecute individuals involved in migrant smuggling, human trafficking, and other crimes against migrants. In April 2021, DHS announced Operation Sentinel, a new operation targeting organizations involved in criminal smuggling. 

The Biden-Harris administration has made investments in border security and drug operations that led to a 54% increase in fentanyl seizures from 2020 to 2021, seizing 11,201 pounds of fentanyl in its first year compared to 7,267 pounds in 2020 under the Trump administration.

In December 2021, Biden signed two executive orders intended to fight drug trafficking and criminal networks, including new sanctions on companies trading ingredients of fentanyl. 

In 2021, Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill which included $3.4 billion for U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to build and modernize land ports of entry on the country’s northern and southern borders.

In 2021, President Biden sent the U.S. Citizenship Act to Congress, aiming to modernize the immigration system by establishing a new framework to responsibly manage and secure the border, enhance safety for families and communities, and improve migration management across the Hemisphere.

Addressing the Driving Factors of Migration

In April 2021, Vice President Harris announced $310 million in U.S. Government aid to address the driving factors of migration in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, focusing on economic and humanitarian assistance to address immediate needs of people in the region. 

In June 2021, Vice President Harris launched “In Her Hands,” an initiative focused on women’s economic empowerment, in collaboration with the Partnership for Central America. By 2030, the initiative aims to provide 5 million women in Guatemala with job support, financial literacy, and technical training.


woman and man covered USA flag woman and man covered USA flag

Immigration Highlights

36,600 immigrants granted asylum

25,500 refugees welcomed and settled into the U.S.

Operation Allies Welcome Program

Implemented by the Biden-Harris administration in 2021, 90,000 Afghans were given protection by the end of 2022.

 Uniting for Ukraine

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the administration launched the Uniting for Ukraine parole program that extended protections to 100,000 Ukrainians.


The Biden-Harris administration designated Afghanistan, Cameroon, Ethiopia, and Ukraine for TPS and re-designated Haiti, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The administration's actions on TPS expanded protections to an additional 712,000 immigrants.

Additional Investment in Border Security

Over 14,000 pounds of fentanyl seized in 2022

Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection

The Biden-Harris administration announced the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection, a commitment between world leaders from 20 countries and the U.S. to promote safe, humane, and orderly migration across the Americas, while addressing its root causes and protecting migrants' rights.

In April 2022, the Biden Administration launched the “Counter Human Smuggler” campaign—a first-of-its-kind effort of unprecedented scale that was designed to disrupt and dismantle human smuggling networks. In less than six months, the new strategy produced over a 500% increase in human smuggling disruption activity and contributed to over 6,700 smuggler arrests.

In partnership with the Department of Justice, DHS established a new, more efficient process called the Dedicated Docket to conduct speedier immigration proceedings for families who arrive between ports of entry at the Southwest Border. As a result, the length of time it takes for many of these cases to reach a final disposition has decreased from years to months. 


Continued Success: More Veterans, Families and Workers Gain Access to Legal Pathways and U.S. Citizenship

More than 60,000 refugees were resettled in the U.S.

Over 31,900 military service members, veterans, and family members of service members naturalized between 2021 to 2023

12,000 military service members, veterans, and their family members became American citizens in 2023

25% reduction in citizenship backlog during the fiscal year

TIn January 2023, the Biden-Harris administration announced the creation of the Welcome Corps, a new program that allows everyday Americans to become active participants in the refugee resettlement process by privately sponsoring refugees from around the world. The Welcome Corps is the boldest innovation in refugee resettlement in four decades.

In January 2023, after years of courageous advocacy by immigrant workers, DHS established a process through which immigrant workers who are in labor disputes could avail themselves of protection from deportation. This process has allowed workers, many of whom have been fearful of reporting labor law violations, to expose unscrupulous employers and create better working conditions for all workers, while giving labor agencies the power to thoroughly investigate such violations.

Because of the Biden-Harris administration's Uniting for Ukraine program, more than 196,000 Ukrainian refugees received protection in 2023. 

By September 2023, the Biden-Harris administration re-designated TPS for Venezuela (making approximately 472,000 more people eligible for this status) and South Sudan and extended protections for El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Sudan. This action resulted in the highest-ever population of TPS holders, with an estimated 698,000 immigrants impacted. Biden’s decisive action to extend TPS protections sharply contrasted with Trump’s attempts to end the program. During his presidency, Trump ripped away TPS protections from hundreds of thousands of immigrants. 

Managing Migration and Ensuring Safety at the Border

In 2023, President Biden appointed Vice President Harris to lead the administration's initiative to address the root causes of migration. Harris’s focus was on El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, implementing the administration’s Root Causes Strategy to enhance security, governance, human rights, and economic conditions in the region.

Steps taken to soothe the root causes of migration include providing humanitarian aid, combating sexual, gender-based, and domestic violence, launching an anti-corruption task force, forming anti-smuggling task forces, securing international support for Central America, and encouraging investment to expand economic opportunities for communities in the region.

During FY 2023, nearly 238,000 individuals entered through the CHNV Process; critically, in the months immediately after its implementation, significantly fewer individuals from these countries attempted to cross the southwest border unlawfully.  

In 2023, more than 27,000 pounds of fentanyl were seized. 

In 2023, DHS announced that it had expanded its capacity to hold an additional 3,250 people in its facilities, for a CBP holding capacity of nearly 23,000

From April 2022 through September 12, 2023, CBP and HSI arrested nearly 17,000 suspected human smugglers and seized more than $51 million in property and nearly $13 million in currency. This has resulted in more than 2,000 indictments and more than 1,500 convictions in partnership with the U.S. attorneys. 

In June of 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court revived a major administration policy by allowing the use of enforcement guidelines that prioritize the arrest and removal of noncitizens who pose a threat to public safety, national security, or border security. This policy helps ICE to focus on the most serious threats to national security.

Economic Impact of Immigrants in the Post-Pandemic Recovery

By the end of 2023, the Biden-Harris administration's immigration policies not only protected vulnerable populations but also contributed significantly to the U.S. economy. Immigrants played a crucial role in expanding the labor force during the pandemic recovery period. According to Ernie Tedeschi, former Chief Economist for the White House Council of Economic Advisers, between the end of 2019 and 2023, while the native-born labor force shrank by 1.2 million due to an aging population, immigration more than filled this gap, adding 2 million workers. This influx of immigrant labor prevented a contraction of the U.S. workforce, expanding it by 1.9% over the four-year period. Immigrants also fueled household employment growth, ensuring economic stability in the face of labor shortages and sustaining key industries during a critical time of recovery.

The administration’s actions, such as expanding Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and protecting immigrant workers from deportation, have ensured that immigrants could continue to contribute to the U.S. economy, further bolstering the nation's post-pandemic resilience.

"Immigrants supported pandemic employment growth."

Ernie Tedeschi, former Chief Economist for the White House Council of Economic Advisers


Keeping American Families Together

In May 2024, the Biden-Harris administration expanded affordable, quality health care coverage to more than 100,000 DACA recipients.

In June 2024, President Biden and Vice President Harris announced a groundbreaking initiative to expedite access to work visas for Dreamers with college degrees. The new policy promises a streamlined process, enabling quicker approvals and faster integration into the workforce. With 49% of DACA recipients having received some form of college education, this policy is set to significantly offset unemployment rates in labor-intensive industries.

In June 2024, President Biden and Vice President Harris announced an executive action to extend protections to over half a million undocumented spouses and children of U.S. citizens. This action, the biggest relief program for long-settled immigrants since the Obama-Biden administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, will keep American families together and communities intact.

As of July 2024, more than 1,179,000 people are eligible or currently protected by TPS. The Biden-Harris administration has extended and redesignated TPS for seven countries so far this year, including Myanmar, Ethiopia, Haiti, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.

As of August 2024, more than 84,200 refugees have been welcomed into the U.S thus far this year. In total, the Biden-Harris administration has welcomed over 181,185 refugees since 2021, sharply contrasting with Trump’s efforts to cap refugee admissions during his presidency, which saw only 118,185 refugees admitted during his entire four years in office. 

As of August 2024, 530,000 individuals have arrived lawfully and were granted parole under the CHNV program since its implementation in 2023. 

Progress Continues at the Southern Border

Nearly 18,000 pounds of fentanyl have been seized so far in 2024. 

By June 2024, the President added 40 drug detection machines across points of entry to disrupt the fentanyl smuggling into the U.S.

DHS has sharply reduced migration through the southern border in recent months, with August 2024 having an over 50% decrease in border encounters compared to the same time last year. 

As of March 2024, the Biden-Harris administration had mobilized more than $5.2 billion in private sector investments in the Northern Triangle region from more than 47 companies, including giants like Microsoft, Mastercard, and Nespresso through their groundbreaking Root Causes Strategy. These investments helped to create over 250,000 jobs in the region, provided funding for small businesses, and supported the economic inclusion of women.

The Departments of State and Justice launched an “Anti-Smuggling Rewards” initiative designed to dismantle the leadership of human smuggling organizations that bring migrants through Central America and across the Southern U.S. border. 

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Conclusion: A Vibrant Democracy And Resilient Economy

Over the past four years, the Biden-Harris administration has not only rebuilt an immigration system devastated by the previous administration but has also harnessed immigration as a key driver of economic growth.

The Trump administration's policies separated thousands of families, slashed the refugee resettlement program by more than 90%, cut legal immigration nearly in half, and closed pathways to citizenship. Biden and Harris reversed these measures and more, under their administration nearly 1.8 million immigrants were made eligible for TPS, approximately 530,000 Dreamers continued to receive protections under DACA, more than 181,000 refugees were welcomed, and 2.6 million people became American citizens through naturalization.

The creation of the Interagency Task Force to reunite families separated under Trump and the expansion of the aforementioned programs and countless other key initiatives are emblematic of their commitment to keeping families together.

Economically, the Biden-Harris immigration policies have proven instrumental in stabilizing and boosting the U.S. economy. The recent surge in immigration, which began in 2022, added millions of workers to the labor force, addressing critical labor shortages in industries like healthcare, agriculture, and construction. The Congressional Budget Office projects that this influx will contribute an additional $7 trillion to the U.S. economy by 2033, while generating $1 trillion in tax revenues and strengthening the workforce. By coupling balanced immigration policies with pragmatic economic strategies, the Biden-Harris administration has laid the groundwork for a resilient, inclusive economy that works for all Americans.

As we look ahead to November, the stakes couldn’t be higher. The Harris-Walz ticket is committed to continuing the progress of the Biden-Harris administration, ensuring that immigration remains a force for economic growth while keeping families together. Their focus on creating pathways to citizenship and maintaining secure borders offers a humane, practical vision that stands in sharp contrast to the GOP’s plans for mass deportations and family separations. With immigration playing a crucial role in both the economy and the election, voters are faced with a clear choice between building on this legacy or returning to policies that caused harm and division.


The commitment of the Biden-Harris administration and tireless advocacy of countless organizations across the country helped restore a nearly decimated immigration system and deliver new policies to allow families to remain together.

Additional Resources:

Immigration Hub Big Book


Researched by: Beatriz Lopez, Mary Zoch

Designed by: Jennifer Pierre

Images: Pexels, Pixabay, Google

Published: October 2024

Immigration Hub is a national organization dedicated to advancing fair and just immigration policies through strategic leadership, innovative communications strategies, legislative advocacy and collaborative partnerships.

2024 Copyright Immigration Hub